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    Home > Investor Relationship > Corporate Profile
    Corporate Profile  
    The name of the company XIAMEN XIANGYU CO., LTD.
    Company abbreviation XMXYG
    Registered address Unit 08, Floor 7, Building E, Xiamen International Logistics Center, No. 99 Xiangyu Road, Xiamen Modern Logistics Park, Fujian Province
    Registered capital 2.157 billion yuan
    Industry category Social service industry
    Place of Stock Listing Shanghai Stock Exchange
    Legal representative Deng Qidong
    Secretary of the board Liao Jie
    Stock code 600057
    Telephone 0592-6516003
    Fax 0592-5051631
    E-mai stock@sy-ktwx.com
    Website www.sy-ktwx.com
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